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MC² Robotics (Team: 11174) - Engineering
As a small team of five, each of our visions for the season becomes crucial to our success. Everyone contributes in different ways towards a common goal of succeeding in the FTC leagues. We each think up of different methods of accomplishing each small goal set for us. Being a rookie team for FTC, we were awestruck when the YouTube video for the annual game was released. It seemed like an impossible task to create a launching device that was to shoot 4.5 feet vertically into a basket. We understood what we had to do, but each of us did not understand how. The unrealistic visions that each of us had were not understood by one another. Until we came up with a common realistic vision, neither one of us could understand the correct way of achieving success.
Our first year of FTC proved to be very difficult with each challenge. However, they did not bring on concern, but rather excitement for the journey of engineering and programing. Now, our dedication through the enjoyable experience prove that robotics is a passion of ours. The time, effort, and energy that each of us have put into this project will shine through the results of each match that we take part in. In the big picture, robotics is not only an obsession, but it will also be applied in various aspects of our lives as we mature.
Being our first year at FTC, we had our challenges. A team from Greenwich helped us get a an overall picture of the FTC program. We met with them over the summer break, they ran us through the prior years challenge as well as all the infrastructure required to run the program. We got an estimate of the expenditure as well as the things to be purchased. Next we ordered our Tetrix kit and set off building a chasis. We were determinate not to lookup Youtube or other teams robot to build our own robot. So we faced many challenges in constructing the Chasis and building the robot. Next we attended the First University Day to get a better understanding of FTC, transitioning from FLL. We met with other teams and shared our experiences. We were thrilled to experience live release of this years Challenge!
Over the next few weeks, we built a basic robot and started off with writing a simple program to move the robot forward. We faced many challenges, especially since this is our first year doing FTC, and it is completely different from FLL. So we registered for the Scrimmage conducted by I2 robotics. As a Rookie team, we thought we would get some tips from experienced teams in accomplishing this years challenges.
We have been continually working on improving our robot and accomplishing this years challenges in the most efficient way possible.
Here is a link to our Engineering Document ( Link will work after the season ends due to copyright issues)
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